Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Setback

The good news today was that they were able to get in for a visa appointment.  The bad news is that the US Embassy in Liberia denied James' and Shadrack's visas.  

Devastating blow to this whole process, but we will not lose hope!  Roosevelt, the deputy director of the orphanage, has arrived in Liberia and has already made many phone calls to try to clear this up. It's time for us to pray for a miracle!!  I have felt amazing hope and peace today and all glory to God for that!!  I refuse to be beaten down or discouraged.  James WILL come home to us, its just not going to be easy.

A moment to send a huge thank you to Erica Allen, April Engen and Katie Barden.  All three of you blessed me and encouraged me in amazing ways yesterday!  I need you to know that I would not have been able to take this news well today had it not been for my interactions with each of you!  Thank you for allowing God to use you to strengthen me.

I spoke to James on the phone today.  I got to hear him breathe and cough and it brought me to tears. Oh how I want to snuggle him right up in my arms!!  It's physically painful to not be there, Nate was able to share so many more things about James today and how they have made amazing progress in how well James will respond to him.  James' birth mother continues to prove what an amazing woman she is, as she has been obviously trying so hard to encourage James and Nate's relationship.  Imagining the strength that must take breaks me.

So, honestly, it stinks big time.  But there is room here for God to move his mighty hand and I believe that He will.